Welcome To Madan Foundation

Madan Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, registered under Indian Society act; 1882.It was established in 2020 to address the development needs of the underprivileged of the country, especially the rural poor.Madan Foundation aims to establish people's organization which will be helpful in empowering the community in order to build their self-confidence level for their own development. It also aims to organize people to fight for social justice, to promote gender equality, to promote socio-economic development & to promote community involvement for sustainable development.The main objective of the organization is to promote Health, Education, Environment, Water and sanitation, Child right, adolescent women and child care and other developmental approaches for sustainable community development.

Message Of President.

D.K. Tiwari MADAN FOUNDATION is a registered Society which is registered under Indian Society Act, 1860 bearing registration CSU/04453/2020-2021, dated 12th October, 2020 that was established with the main objective of serving for the betterment of the trust at large. We believe in serving for noble cause while respecting the traditions and values of our trust. In our service to the society, we strive towards setting guidelines and policies regarding various aspects of total human development. Our Organization works on following key aspects: Empowering and mobilizing the communities on issues of child labour, atrocities, child & women exploitation, natural resource management, skill development training, education and health awareness, environment conservation drives, promoting environment-centric programmes/drives of Government, remembering eminent social reformers of our country etc. Our Vision “to improve quality of life for underprivileged section of trust”. Our Mission is to empower people through education so that they have greater control over their life situations and take responsibility to make a world that is mutually rewarding.